
Online Dutch courses

for Afrikaans speakers

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Joyce Veldsink Coach

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Courses specifically for you!

As an Afrikaans speaker you have specific advantages and struggles when learning Dutch. We tailor our courses to your specific needs, so learning becomes more efficient! Afrikaans speakers usually understand and read Dutch pretty well. But they struggle with Dutch grammar, pronunciation and the many words that are similar, but mean something else. We will help you get this right and share a good time together in our online classes with only Afrikaans speaking expats! You'll become comfortable with Dutch in a relaxed and efficient way. Group classes are in the evening, so it is easy to fit them around your work & social life. 

Next online group courses!

acc. CERF (Common European Framework for Languages)


  • Beginner: A0 to A1
    When you read and understand some Dutch, but had no or hardly any Dutch classes before.
  • BeginnerPlus: A1 to A2
    When you read and understand Dutch and had Dutch classes at A1 level, so you use the present tense well.
  • Higher levels
    From A2 and higher you benefit from the diversity offered when studying in a mixed group. Click here!

Group size: 4-6 people (extra small group)

Schedule: 1 evening per week from 19.15h to 21.15h for 10 weeks per level. Ask here for our schedule to know which evening! (Monday-Thursday).

Starting in the week of:

  • 31 March (last spots)
  • 28 April
  • 8 September
  • 13 October
  • Know the exact evening (Monday-Thursday) of your classes? Ask here for our schedule!

Price: 385 p.p. incl. Discount

405 euro p.p without discount

Payment in 2 instalments possible

    What you'll get!

    • Online classes specifically tailored to the struggles and advantages of Afrikaans speakers
    • 1 evening per week (Mon-Thurs) for 10 weeks
    • Well trained, experienced teachers, so good quality
    • Very small groups, so efficient learning
    • Certificate of Participation
    • For higher educated internationals
    • Enjoyable classes!

    Extra's for more Fun!

    • Early Bird Discount!
    • Free extra online learning materials

    Good to know

    We work with the easy to use online learning environment of Google Classroom. The teacher will offer you extra materials there. And we use the book (+website) Nederlands in Gang.

    Review        *****
    'Our journey with Joyce and her team started at the beginning of 2021. At first, it was just me learning with Chris. And when my husband was ready, he started learning with Lonneke. We also had a course with Dominique. Each one of our teachers helped us tremendously. We learned a great deal about the Dutch language and culture under the watchful eyes of our teachers. The groups were charming and the learning was entertaining and comprehensive all at the same time. This incredible team has helped us gain confidence with Dutch in a way we could never have imagined. The words "Thank you" don't seem to be enough. We will always highly recommend Joyce and her team for learning Dutch and getting to know the ways of the Netherlands. Thank you, Joyce, your team is fantastic. With the kindest regards, Bernice and Lee Nicholsen'

    More about levels

    1. A0 to A1 (Beginners) - 20 hours This course is great if you understand Dutch as an Afrikaan speaker, but cannot form short but perfect Dutch sentences yourself. You will learn the basics of Dutch grammar and pronunciation. We'll practice speaking in a safe environment and we'll address confusing words and expressions for Afrikaans speakers!
    2. A1 to A2 (BeginnersPlus) - 20 hours This course is for you understand some Dutch because you speak Afrikaans and if you already master the present tense well. In this course you will learn to communicate properly in the past and future tenses, in all kinds of social situations, give your opinion, etc. And of course we'll address words, expressions and pitfalls that are confusing for Afrikaans speakers.

      A2 - B1 and B1 - B2

      At these higher levels it benefits you to mix with people from other countries. The diversity will teach you more! Click here